#73: My best tips for better journaling
In this episode, I am sharing five benefits of putting journaling into your routine and then to top it all off... I am giving you my best tips on how to get started if you've never journaled before or maybe fallen a bit rusty in the practice.

#72: Simple ways to add rest to your routine
In the last episode of the Live Revised Podcast, we talked about the importance of rest. Today we're following that up with some simple ways you can add rest to your routine. From finding some time at the beginning or end of your day to adding some fun to your day-to-day tasks, I'm sharing 9 different ways I personally incorporate rest into my routine.

#71: Rest for the weary
'Tis the season for hustle and bustle, busy holiday calendars, and lots on our plates... But what about rest? It's hard to really enjoy life when you're going through the motions and running on fumes. And the key to being out best and enjoying life is ... rest.

#70: Finding joy in what we hate
Ever heard of that ol' saying.... "count it all joy?" Well, it's actually a scripture verse that can leave us feeling so irritated when someone reminds us to do that very thing on a day where we aren't feeling very "joyful." In this week's episode we're talking about how to count it all joy ... not by denying our "non-joyful" feelings, but in conjunction with them! If you are tired of feeling like bad days and emotions dictate your joy... this episode is for you!

#69: Using journaling for a happier life
Do you like to go behind the scenes? See how things are really done or what it's really like in someone's world? If you are thinking... yep, that's me... this week's podcast episode is for you! I'm taking you behind the scenes of my journaling process

#68: Adding a dose of joy to life
This week on the podcast we're talking about Joy - especially how to make time for joy. Did you know you could schedule in joy? You can! And this episode is giving you all the how-tos.

#67: Defining Moments Through Adversity
"You didn't come this far to only come this far!" Whenever a roadblock or obstacle hits us, our first inclination is to stop working on the plan and give up. However, when we take a moment and give ourselves credit for what fears we have faced, and the positive that WILL come in our future, our mental strength will push us forward to completion.

#66: Changing your mindset on time
If you're living and breathing... you're busy. We are all busy. Maybe we're busy doing different things, but the bottom line is... we fill our 24 hours to the brim and then some. In this episode, I'm going to challenge your mindset on time. When we are faced with an overloaded calendar and to-do list, we don't necessarily need better management of time, we need a better mindset for the time we have, how we perceive it and what we choose to do with it.

#65: Stoking the fire
If you've ever sat around a campfire, you know there's a science to keeping that fire going. It takes the right amount of firewood and airflow to keep those flames roaring. However, get too much firewood shoved into that firepit and you'll lose the airflow, thus choking out your fire.

#64: 3 keys to living with purpose
How do you find your purpose? What does it take to nurture that purpose once you do find it? And how am I going to live with purpose every day? We answer these questions and more in this episode. PLUS... I'm bringing you up to speed on all that's been happening behind the scenes here at Revision Motivational Company.

#63: Motivation in transition: Guest spot on 'Who Ya Know'
I had the extreme pleasure to be a guest on the "Who Ya Know" show with Trevor Houston and his team... what a fun bunch of guys! This show streams live each week and helps to motivate and inspire job seekers, but our conversation was powerful for all people no matter what transition of life you might find yourself in. We have conversations about purpose, staying motivated and even some Biblical truths to help you on your journey.

#62: Putting purpose in your month
It's the beginning of a new month... the perfect time to get refocused on taking action and getting stuff done, right? I know that feeling, but I also know the feeling of watching the time slip through my fingers. I know what it's like to have life blow up and derail all my plans and good intentions. But what if you could stay focused even in the middle of life's upsets to your calendar and well-meaning goals? What if you could continue to see progress and direction even if things don't go according to plan?

#61: Finding purpose in the pause
It seems that no one like to wait or be put in a holding pattern. We often see a pause as punishment. But what if we could learn how to find purpose in it... and better yet, what if we could embrace the rest, recovery, reflection and revision in that season of pause. Today I am sharing my personal progress in what has been my season of pause. It hasn't been without frustrations... I like to be on the go! But taking a time out doesn't have to be punished and I've learned some valuable lessons in my current pause that I'd love to share with you!

#60: When leaving your comfort zone is like pulling teeth
A little unknown fact about me.... I waited until I was 40 years old to get my wisdom teeth pulled. It wasn't that they didn't need to be pulled. They most certainly did, but the fear and anxiety of going in for a procedure like that was too much for me to handle and I put it off for far too long. Looking back on it now, I laugh at the hysterical antics that went along with this wisdom-teeth saga... some of which I share with you in this episode.

#59: Letting your light shine: an interview with Rebecca Dawson
Have you forgotten the truth about YOU? Has life become a wet blanket on the fire of your soul? When we lose sight of who we are and what we are supposed to be, we can suffer from feeling disconnected and lost. You can vigorously shine as the bright light you are meant to be... how you were meant to be. Master Counselor Rebecca Dawson walks us through some tips on how to get back in touch with ourselves so we can love who we are!

#58: Telling your story: an interview with Tina Bakehouse
On this week's episode, we're talking with my friend Tina B. Get ready to have some laughs, chat about goats, and learn a lot about owning and telling your story. Tina's ideas and tips on how to use your story for your purpose is so incredible and I think you will love getting to know her!

#57: Red lights, yellow lights and green lights
Who here hasn't been frustrated while waiting at a red light? Have you ever pushed the gas a bit more to beat a yellow light? I am guilty on both accounts! But what about the red lights we encounter in life? We all want the green lights, but what if there is good to be found in the waiting at a red light in life?

56#: How to bounce back from 2020
After a year like 2020, who doesn't need some help getting motivated and encouraged to get going?!?! The last year suck the life out of us and pulled the wind out of our sails, so how do we get back up and get going again? How do we bounce back after having been knocked out? In this episode, I am sharing 3 ways you can bounce back.